Kelly is an international singer, songwriter, recording and concert artist. While she is in Australia, she lives with her family at "Boraning", and is available for concerts.
She is also available for solo concerts world wide, as well as with her rock band, her jazz trio, quartet and twenty piece big band.
A number of Kelly's albums are available world wide for downloading on CD Baby, Itunes, Amazon and other major digital downloading companies.
Twenty one years ago, Kelly began writing songs for the protection and the future of the environment and humanity. Her song, 'What is happening to our forests?' launched the campaign in her home state of Western Australia, to save the last of the old growth Karri forests in the world. Through years of dedicated campaigning by Kelly, her family and a small group of committed people, one and a half million hectares of forest has been saved and is now protected in perpetuity
by new legislation.
'A whale for the killing', a protest song she wrote to stop the
whaling, was used by Greenpeace in 1981in a film, 'The last whale', to encourage the world to vote for a sanctuary for the whales in the Antarctic. The video clip for this song can be seen at www.youtube.com/kellynw and there is now interest in the song from Kingsborough films, making a feature film about the founder of Sea Shepherd.

Kelly singing in Ladakh in India at a World Peace Concert

Kelly with the children at the Tibeten refugee school in Ladakh
Her song, 'One world, one planet' won the "environmental song of the year" for Australia in 2001. This song is now being hailed by many people as a theme song for the future of the planet.
In 2004 Kelly toured Germany, doing 30 two hour solo concerts in 29 cities. She was also invited as a headlining artist to the biggest songwriter's festival in Europe, singing to around 30,000 people at the Barden Treffen in Nurenberg. She received rave reviews from press saying she was the highlight of the festival and was voted the best artist by the "people's choice".
She sang in Ladakh in India at a World Peace concert there in 2005, the first of it's kind in the history of India. She performed to an audience of thousands, and was televised to around 1 billion people throughout India and surrounding countries. She was the only Western artist from this event to be invited afterwards to do another concert
With the arrival on the 18th January, 2006 of West Papuan people in a small canoe on Australian shores, and claims of the perpetration of “genocide” against the people, she wrote 'Song for West Papua'. Soon after, she sang this song with Tara, in London and Ireland at protests against the abuse of West Papuan human rights by the Indonesian Military.
In 2007 Kelly moved to be based in Bangkok, and wrote 'Long live the King of Thailand', along with many other songs about her experiences and love for the people of Thailand. She is the only foreigner in the history of Thailand to write and perform a song for His Majesty, and then to perform at his 80th birthday celebrations. She received a personal gift of thanks from King Bhumipol. She recorded 'Long live the King of Thailand', put it on CD and Hello magazine sold out over
100,000 copies of the song in their magazine in a day.
In 2007, she also performed her environmental songs at one of the "Live Earth" concerts in Los Angeles.

Kelly singing for the 'People's Alliance for Democracy'
on ASTV in Thailand
In 2008 Kelly wrote and sang songs for the 'People's Alliance for Democracy'(the PAD) in Thailand, the longest running peaceful protest in the world, a stand against corruption and to bring about “true” democracy. She and her eldest daughter Tara, again made history, being the only foreigners to have sung on the PAD stage. In November of 2008, she released her song, “Peace in Thailand”, throughout the country, and signing a distribution deal for this CD single, with Universal Records (Thailand).
She recently received confirmation from His Majesty's office, that she may release her songs for the King of Thailand and also make her own documentary about His Majesty's organic farm.